Register an account

Membership Test Account: hg8886/Hg123456

Why do we need to recharge when registering an account?

To prevent malicious data collection and odds gathering.

Upon opening the account, approximately 48U will be deducted, and 350 points will be deposited into the account.

1、The membership account defaults to the C-disk.

2、The C-disk system provides real-time automatic cashback of 0.75%,

dark water cashback of 1.55% (weekly betting amount needs to reach 100,000 RMB or above),

dark water cashback of 1.65% (weekly betting amount needs to reach 500,000 RMB or above),

dark water cashback of 1.75% (weekly betting amount needs to reach 2,500,000 RMB or above).

3、C-disk cashback and limit explanation; view details.

4、Cashback will be settled into the account after 16:00 on Tuesday every week.

5、Our company does not welcome group betting, odds manipulation, agreement matches, insider information, abnormal betting orders. Once detected and verified by the company, it may result in permanent account suspension.

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